Just as I make up my mind to officially move home & go back to school to get my masters, break it to the baby daddy & call my landlords, I get an email from a company actually seeking me out! So I thought why not? I'll go in & interview, see what they have to say. So I did.. & to make a long story short, an hour after I left they called me to come back tomorrow to meet the CEO of the company. So I did again... & same story about an hour after I left they had emailed me an offer! Well now back to square one on the life changing decision I've been tryin to make for the past month. After some deep thinking, a long list of pros and cons, & friendly advice, I realized that the list was pretty much even across the board except one little thing..... my daughter. All the pros for her consisted of Monticello, family, more time spent w/mom, playing with cousins, aunts, uncles & pa and nana of course! I know she would be so happy down there, my question was... would I? Regardless I felt that my happiness didn't matter that much comparatively speaking to hers, she IS and always will be most important in my life. So I emailed them back, denying their offer. Now, its just a matter of days before the big move & I am actually excited about it, I have big plans for that little town.. & am sure to cause some chaos with all the visitors Im expecting! lol. But once again, just like clock work, I recieved another email from this company asking me what amount would "entice" me to change my mind & stay? Man, they really want me at this point, which I dont blame them because of the things I can offer their 3 different companies they want me over. So, back to square one.. ugh. really? Ok ending result, I shot for the moon & decided if they give it to me I cannot pass it up or the money, could change mine & Londons life.. At the same time, if they deny it then I feel thats finally my answer & Im back to stickin with the "plan" & moving forward & outta here! If Im being honest, I really do want outta here, my friends & I say this all the time, "utah county is not real life." All the men are mostly the same, the girls .. same competitive crazyness for any guys attention, etc. Theres just way too many single mormons in this town if u ask me... lol but it was still my home for the past 10 years so it will be a lil bittersweet for me. I love my friends up here & will miss them very much, & of course, I am finally meeting a few guys who are really great & I m exicted about.. one of them I've seen atleast 3 times this week & its only Wed! He says we'll "take turns" traveling to see each other though.. so that could keep it interesting! :) Ahhh, doesn't life always seems to work this way, but its time for a change of life for London and I. So I've left it up to fate at this point... and now just waiting to see what fate has in store for me! Hopefully I find out today, since I need to start packin! In the meantime this is where London & I like to go when we need a good dose of nature to help us ponder our life decisions, so we spent Sunday up at Cascade Springs...